Ben Affleck’s cousin, Jennifer Affleck, sparked controversy after calling herself “the new Jenny from the block” in a TikTok video following the actor’s divorce from Jennifer Lopez. In the video, Jennifer, married to Ben’s cousin Zac Affleck, lip-synced to Lopez’s hit song “Jenny from the Block” while getting her hair done. She captioned the post, “The new Jenny from the block 😉,” referencing Lopez and Affleck’s split.
The video received criticism online, with one commenter calling it “diabolical” for using Lopez’s song during the divorce. Another person wrote, “You should be ashamed of trying to tie yourself to JLO. She is no longer with Ben. Regardless, slow your roll poser.”
Jennifer Affleck, known for her role in the upcoming Hulu series Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, has previously referenced Lopez in social media posts. In a 2022 TikTok video, she joked about Lopez “stealing” her name, captioning it, “When you thought you were going to be the next J.Lo…But instead…she stole your name… and you’re busting it down to Ms. Rachel.”
Lopez filed for divorce from Ben Affleck in August 2024, with their official separation date listed as April 26, 2024. The couple had been married for nearly two years, with breakup rumors starting in May 2023.
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