Gaon ki Gori drama made Naaz theater popular

Gaon ki Gori drama made Naaz theater popular

Lahore (Afaq Dhariwal) The first effort of Syed Productions in Naz Theater Lahore, Afrin Pari, as the village white, made a splash in the hearts of the people. The lively performances of the actors forced the audience to applaud. Cholistan’s love story has become a home in people’s hearts and minds. Hyder Toqeer Zaidi Nadeem Chatta Azeem Vicky and Wasim Pannu’s beautiful actress gave the drama Char Chand Laga Diyya Char Chand Laga Diya Drama Syed Muhammad Yusuf and Director Dr. Ajmal Malik are the producers of the drama. This drama is the first masterpiece of this team in Naaz Theatre.

Actress Sheza Butt


Actress Reena Multani


Actress Herr Jutt

We are trying to make today’s drama for the family, video director Syed Muhammad Yusuf