Google to start deleting inactive accounts | The Express Tribune

Google to start deleting inactive accounts | The Express Tribune

Google is all set to remove accounts that have been inactive for the last two years.

Google will start deleting the accounts after December 1st, but it will be giving warnings/disclaimers to the users on their email. Those users who have provided a backup email will receive a reminder there as well.

The move was announced back in May. This new measure is being taken to avoid any security-related issues. Through internal research, Google realized that inactive accounts are more likely to not be updated with new features and security measures, making them more prone to hacking, phishing, or spam.

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Certain accounts, such as those with YouTube channels or those that have been used to purchase a digital item, will be exempted from this measure.

To prevent the account from being deleted, users need to sign in to their Google account or any Google service at least once every two years and perform some activity, such as reading emails, performing a search, or other similar actions.

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