Humair Jagirani, a key member of the notorious Jagirani gang of dacoits, has voluntarily turned himself in during a joint operation by the Sindh Rangers and the police in the Kutcha (riverine) area of Sindh. The ongoing operation aims to curb criminal activities in the riverine area. Humair Jagirani, who sur- rendered during the siege of the Kutcha Bhandi area of Kandhkot in Kashmore district, is involved in several cases of kidnapping and murder and wanted by police in multiple FIRs.
The siege was led by the Rangers area wing commander and the SSP Kashmore. The operation extended to inspecting the ongoing siege of Khadim Bhio’s shelter in Kutcha area against suspects involved in kidnapping for ransom and other crimes. Directives were issued to enhance patrolling and snap-checking, closely monitoring suspicious activities in various areas, including Durrani Mehr, Duda Pickett, RD 219, Todi Bungalow, Qias Bhio, and Jungle Bhiwa, to suppress and restrict the movement of dacoits.
Humair Jagirani has been handed over to police for necessary legal action. A spokesperson for Sindh Rangers has urged the public identify facilitators of dacoits and other influential individuals harbouring bandits. Citizens are encouraged to assist the rangers in cleansing the region of criminals by reporting information to the Rangers
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